I saw the response to this stackoverflow post: Is there a way to pass variables into templates in Meteor?
The post only shows how to pass in a static value into blaze template. See the following example - I'm trying to pass in user.username into the template
<template name="userTemplate">
<p> Wellcome {{user.username}} </p>
{{#each user.profile.cookies}}
{{> cookieTemplate username={{user.username}} }}
<template name="cookieTemplate">
{{username}} has cookie {{this.cookieName}}
I know that I could potentially do this with
Session.set('username', blah)
, but I was wondering if I can pass a dynamic variable into template?- ANSWER -
A simple solution to yours is just to pass the user object to the template
{{> cookieTemplate user=user }}
and use it inside the template as
or you write down some helper to create a data object with relevant attributes like:
get_user: function() {
return { username: Template.instance().user.username }
and then call the template with
{{> cookieTemplate user=get_user }}
and use the value by
I made something similar (helper function) as a MeteorPad to this thread Access an object's property names in a Blaze template
Maybe it helps you
Cheers, Tom
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