Allowing a Route to Access Data from a Collection with Meteor


I'm using a route to create a PDF using meteor-pdfkit. Here is my current code which allows me to display my Calendars ID onto the PDF.
 Router.route('/calendars/:_id/getPDF', function() {
     var currentCalendar = this.params._id;
     var doc = new PDFDocument({size: 'A4', margin: 50});
     doc.text(currentCalendar, 10, 30, {align: 'center', width: 200});
     this.response.writeHead(200, {
         'Content-type': 'application/pdf',
         'Content-Disposition': "attachment; filename=test.pdf"
     this.response.end( doc.outputSync() );
 }, {where: 'server'});
However, when I try to include other information from the Calendars collection, the data comes back as undefined or creates an error. For example, if I try to call
 Router.route('/calendars/:_id/getPDF', function() {
     var currentCalendar = this.params._id;
     var doc = new PDFDocument({size: 'A4', margin: 50});
     doc.text(, 10, 30, {align: 'center', width: 200});
     this.response.writeHead(200, {
         'Content-type': 'application/pdf',
         'Content-Disposition': "attachment; filename=test.pdf"
     this.response.end( doc.outputSync() );
 }, {where: 'server'});
I'm assuming this is because the route doesn't have access to the information from the collection. How do I allow the route to access the information from the Calendars collection?

In your code, currentCalendar is being set to an id. I think you want to write:
var currentCalendar = Calendars.findOnw(this.params._id);
Now currentCalendar will be a document with properties, e.g.


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