Anda boleh mencari punca masalah komputer anda dengan cara mengesan
Bunyi BIOS komputer anda jika anda mahir mengikut jenis BIOS yang di gunakan oleh komputer anda.

Bagi Motherboard yang di lengkapi dengan :


Sekiranya BIOS mengeluarkan bunyi BEEP sekali
Kemungkinan RAM mempunyai masalah/Defective atau Pemasangan RAM yang tidak betul.

GATE A20 error , Kebiasaannya disebabkan oleh keyboard yang defective atau rosak.

Kemungkinan Video Card mempunyai masalah/Defective atau Pemasangan Video yang tidak betul.

Checksum Error, melibatkan CMOS bateri didalam Motherboard. Periksa Bateri CMOS kemungkinan sudah lemah atau habis.


Award BIOS

BIOS mengeluarkan Bunyi BEEP yang panjang
Memory ERROR atau RAM tidak dipasang pada Slotnya dengan betul.

1 BEEP panjang , 2 BEEP pendek
Menandakan Video Card menghadapi masalah dan kemungkinan rosak.
Boleh juga disebabkan oleh pemasangan yang tidak betul.

1 BEEP panjang , 3 BEEP pendek
Terjadi disebabkan oleh keyboard yang tidak dipasang atau kemungkinan Defective. Juga Video Card error yang disebabkan oleh BIOS yang starting dengan BIOS version 4.5

BEEP yang berpanjangan (Continuos BEEP)
Memory/RAM atau Video Card tidak dipasang (Not Detected)


Pheonix BIOS

Disebabkan oleh BIOS yang tidak berfungsi (Malfunction)

1 BEEP, 2 BEEPs , 1 BEEP
Disebabkan oleh Motherboard yang rosak (Defective)

Masalah yang disebabkan oleh RAM yang bermasalah atau pemasangan RAM yang tidak betul.

Juga disebabkan oleh Motherboard yang rosak (defective)

3 BEEPs, 3 BEEPs, 4 BEEPs
Video Card yang tidak berfungsi atau disebabkan oleh pemasangan Video Card yang tidak betul.

RPM Package

Index / rpm package by mongodb


curl -LO
curl -LO
curl -LO
curl -LO
curl -LO

sudo rpm -i mongodb-org-shell-3.4.0-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
sudo rpm -i mongodb-org-mongos-3.4.0-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
sudo rpm -i mongodb-org-server-3.4.0-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
sudo rpm -i mongodb-org-shell-3.4.0-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
sudo rpm -i mongodb-org-tools-3.4.0-1.el7.x86_64.rpm

sudo rpm -Uvh mongodb-org-3.4.0-1.el7.x86_64.rpm

How to start mongodb

- command line how to start that mongodb -

1. systemctl enable mongod (first time for enable start at booting system)
2. systemctl start mongod
Meteor JS makes it very easy to authenticate users with Facebook. The social authentication support comes built-in with use of a couple of packages in your application. I’ll demonstrate how easy it is by creating a website that lets users login with Facebook and shows their name and gender after logging in (if you’d like to show/use more user details they are available, but for simplicity we’ll just show these two). So let’s jump right into it:
Facebook allows developers to create test apps to validate the functionality from the localhost domain, so we’ll create a test app for our demo. Here’s how we create a test app:
Go to Facebook developers page and from the Apps tab select your app.
Screen Shot 2014-12-02 at 5.43.56 AM

Then from the left menu hit Test Apps and on that page hit the Create a Test App button.
Screen Shot 2014-12-02 at 5.45.32 AMScreen Shot 2014-12-02 at 5.45.46 AM

On the create a test app form enter a name for your app (I used “sample app – test1″). It will ask you to pass a captcha test and once you pass that your test app should be ready to use.
Screen Shot 2014-12-02 at 5.48.41 AM
On the Basic settings, hit “+ Add Platform” to add a Website platform to our app.
Screen Shot 2014-12-02 at 6.01.07 AM
Add “localhost” to the App Domains and “http://localhost:3000″ to the Site URL, then hit Save Changes.
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On the Advanced settings, scroll down and add “http://localhost:3000/_oauth/facebook?close” to the Valid OAuth redirect URIs and save your change.
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Go to the app’s Dashboard and copy your App ID and App Secret. We’re going to use these ids later for app configurations.
Screen Shot 2014-12-02 at 6.10.51 AM copy
That was all we needed to do to set up our app configurations from the Facebook developers site. Now we can start writing our code to wire up things together.
I’m skipping the creation of a basic meteor app, but if you need help on that part you can follow the meteor’s official tutorial to learn more about creating a meteor site and read this  article tostructure your app.  I assume you have a “client” and “server” folders and a basic project that is up and running.
We need to add 2 packages to get the Facebook login functionality working. Let’s add these packages:
The accounts-facebook plugin enables facebook login and service-configuration allows to store the setup for our Facebook app’s ids.
We’ll create a file “social-config.js” under the server folder to hold our Facebook configurations and add the following lines to the file (don’t forget to change the appId and secret with your app’s ids):
In order to show a page with the login button we’ll create a basic login template:
In the login template we check if the user is logged in. If the user is logged in we display the user’s name and gender, and we add a logout button. If the user is not logged in, we show the famous login with Facebook button. You can use other ways to display the login page or even use the “accounts-ui” package, but for the sake of simplicity we’ll stick to this template.
Then we’ll tie the click events to define the login and logout actions and we’ll use meteor’s loginWithFacebook and logout methods:
Now the app is ready to accept Facebook logins.
Go to your app’s page and try logging in with your Facebook account and you should see your name and gender displayed on the page. It’s that easy.
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Screen Shot 2014-12-02 at 6.53.42 AM

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